What is dFast?
dFast is an open store of modded games & apps with super fast download speed.
dFast is an open store of modded games & apps with super fast download speed.
Yes. dFast is completely free and always will be.
dFast is the safest third-party Android app store on the market. All content uploaded to the dFast app store from users is scanned and compared to other stores in the app store ecosystem so we can see if it may pose a threat.
To install dFast, all you need to do is visit our website from your Android
device and hit the download button.
After downloading the file, just run it and you can start discovering and
downloading the best Android apps for free without limits!
No limits. Enjoy the best torrenting experience while downloading with no speed or size limitations.
No region locked worries. Download and play all free Android games.